The current deal of the month from is Bio Oil! It has been reduced by 13% down to only $10.99 with FREE shipping.
I’m blogging about this as I’ve heard a few things about bio-oil. Its reputation states that it is supposed to be good for stretch-marks during pregnancy, and the reduction thereof. Now, I’ve never been preggers so I cannot give you guys a first hand opinion on this topic.
A friend of mine tried it out when she had her first baby. She doesn’t think that the bio-oil did any good at all. But I’ve heard other stories, where people say it drastically reduced their stretch marks. It’s one of those things were it is hard to tell though – would there have been no stretch marks even if they hadn’t used the bio-oil?
Maybe some people should test it out on one half of their belly, and leave the other half to nature. I’d like to see the results of that experiment! Maybe Amy Winehouse needs to use bio-oil on her boobs!
Have you used bio-oil? What do you think? Did it help? Or was it a total waste of time? Please comment below :)