Balance Bikes are a great way to teach kids the rudimentary skills they will need for biking without petals getting in the way. Right now, The Source Canada has discounted the Berg Biky Balance Bike in white/pink from $139.99 down to $79.98. This is an open-box edition meaning the product inside is in mint condition, only the box has issues. Your bike still comes with a one-year warranty. As your order is over $25, you will receive free shipping on this balance bike.
This bike will help your child learn the basics of steering and balance. It has an adjustable saddle and handlebars to modify to your child's height. The low frame will help children get on and off their bike without any accidents. This bike is recommended for children 3 years or older.
The free shipping from The Source Canada is a nice feature as this package complete with bike weighs in around 6 kilos.
I saw a few reviews while I was price comparing this product. The rear frame juts out to provide a footrest for riders while they are riding. Their kids loved this feature as they didn't need to keep their legs lifted out. However, some parents said that this feature interfered with the stride of younger riders.
It was difficult to price compare this balance bike as it is out of stock almost everywhere I could find. It was $139.99 @ and $139.99 @ Toys R Us Canada. Both are out of stock. I found the bike straight from the maker (Berg) for $169. The reseller prices on Amazon Canada are atrocious (hundreds of dollars). Lastly, the black/orange version currently costs $139.99 @ The Source. Given all those price comparisons, I figured this was a pretty great deal.
This sale price ends today, so I recommend picking up the balance bike ASAP as I have no idea what the price will change to tomorrow. This is a great bike for young kids who need to get their sea-legs before trying a real bike.
(Expiry: 12th October 2015)