Happy Valentine's Day! Seven free books from Audible!
There is nothing better than Audible. I include BargainMoose. Yes, a website which, in part, sustains my family, takes a back seat to Audible. If you aren't a member, click the link above and sign up for a free 30-day trial and get a credit towards a free book in addition to the seven free books you're getting today. The best thing? If you don't love Audible you can stop paying for monthly credits and go on a $10/year Audible Light account and still get all the awesome deals and freebies that Audible offers all year round! If you really, really don't dig it, you can cancel and keep all the books you get today!
They also sell gift memberships if you're really late on the Valentine's Day this year.
If you are a member and signed in it will bring you to a page where you can see the seven books you can get:
- How to Be Beyoncé by Madison Moore
- Not a Match: My True Tales of Online Dating Disasters by Brian Donovan
- Are You Lonesome Tonight? by Mishka Shubaly
- Girl with Glasses: My Optic History by Marissa Walsh
- England My England: Anglophilia Explained by Mark Dery
- PhiLOLZophy: Critical Thinking in Digestible Doses by Chrissy Stockton and Sarah Heuer
- The Nerd's Guide to Being Confident by Mark Manson
These books definitely aren't all for me but they aren't supposed to be. They have suggestions for the kind of people who would like these books. For example "Share with the coolest nerd you know" or "Share with anyone who's Downton Abbey obsessed."
(Expires: 21st February 2014)