Ardene Canada: 30% Off All Orders (EXPIRED)

Ardene Canada: 30% Off All Orders (EXPIRED)


Get 30% off everything at Ardene today. You don't need a promo code or to meet a minimum to get your discount, just shop to heart's content, checkout and get your discount on top of all the other hot deals on site.

What's great about this deal is that Ardene usually has buy two for $$ deals and quite a bit more on sale, which you can combine with the 30% off. You'll get your original discount, then the 30% off will come off the top.

These printed leggingsare normally $17.50 and are 70% off. Once you add them to your cart, you'll see the total of $5.25, but then the additional 30% off will bring these leggings right down to $3.67! You'll want to stock up and get one in every pattern!

Crop tees will also be substantially discounted, like this Paradise Found tee, which is also 70% off, with a regular price of $12.50. Change the colour to see the different sayings available. It will come down to $3.75 in the cart, and then the 30% off will bring it down to $2.62!

This means you can buy leggings and a top for a grand total of $6.29! That is outrageous!

Sweaters are only 2 for $30 for select styles like this Black Love graphic knit sweater and this Cream Bored graphic knit sweater. Add them both to your cart and instead of paying $22.50 each, you'll pay a grand total of $21. That's $10.50 a sweater and a savings of $23.50, basically getting you the second sweater free.

Flannel pyjamas make the perfect gift and are super comfortable for lounging, especially on Christmas day. Regularly $31.50, get them for 2 for $40, but once you add them to your cart, the additional 30% off will bring the total down to $28, which makes the pyjama sets only $14 each.

With all these wonderful deals, you'll want to stock right up to also get free shipping, which happens once you've spent $59.99. I can't imagine all of the items you can get for that price with these hot deals! You might want to get your friends a few gifts too.

(Expiry: 10th December 2014)


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