Apple Books Gives Away FREE eBooks!

There are literally dozens of free titles you can read at any time
Apple Books Gives Away FREE eBooks!

This is for all my fellow bookworms. If you didn't get a chance to visit the library before they closed or can't wait for your next Chapters order to arrive, I have some positive news for you – if you own an Apple device. I just realized that you can "buy" and read certain ebooks for FREE through Apple Books!

If you have an Apple device like an iPhone, iPad or MacBook, find and click on your Books app. It's the orange one with an open, white book on it. You'll have to sign in with your Apple ID, but then you can start browsing all the paid and FREE ebooks Apple has to offer – and there are plenty to get you through social isolation.

Most of the titles I saw were romance novels and mass-produced mysteries, but there are also children's books in the mix. It honestly made me so happy to see a few FREE Robert Munsch books, as well as free digital copies of The Monster at the End of This Book and its sequel, which were my favourites as a child.

The New York Times released a document titled Answers to Your Coronavirus Questions, which you can read for free, and there's also iPhone User Guides on there, which you can always read if you get really bored.

To find all these hidden gems, just scroll through the Book Store until you reach the "Top Free" category. There, you can browse the titles I mentioned and MUCH more. You can also purchase just about any other book you can think of. After all, now is the time to finally get cracking on your to-read list.

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