Ever wonder where you're from? Find out part of your family history for free on ancestry.com all long weekend!
What? You know where you're from? Toronto, you say? Okay, well, yeah, you're right... but I mean where did your family originate? Are you German? Which part of Germany did you come from? When did your family come over from Germany and where did they land when they got here? I've never gotten into the genealogy thing too deeply but I know a bit. My family came from Fermanagh in Ireland and I seem to remember seeing a map of Irish family names where my family name was plastered quite largely across northern Ireland. Maybe I'm from an important family. Who knows?
Actually, Ancestry.com knows. They know a lot of things about your family history and this weekend they are giving away access to the immigration portion of their records for free. They have over 200 million immigration records that you can look through. If you're having family over for a BBQ or something this Labour Day weekend, it might be a good chance to sit down with Grandma or Grandpa and hear some stories about your family while you do a bit of research.
(Image Credit: takato marui)
(Expires: 2nd September 2013)