American Apparel: New Multipacks Save Buyers Average of 20%

American Apparel: New Multipacks Save Buyers Average of 20%

American Apparel

American Apparel's Canadian store just released about 12 new multi-packs on everything from kids wear to dresses, socks, unisex tops, and bodysuits. While AA often can often break the piggy bank for their outrageous must-haves, these new multipacks come at a range of 18 - 25% savings from buying the same quantity as separates.

Some examples of their new multipacks:

There is free shipping on every $75 order.

My personal collection from AA is a couple pairs of stockings and 5 long sleeved bodysuits. I find them the perfect thing for under skirts or just lounging around. Currently I am drooling over their lace petticoats. Are there any other American Apparel-ers out there?


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