If you're going to stay up playing the new game you bought from a Bargainmoose deal, or are seeing what that new Bargainmoose-deal laptop can do, you're gonna need something to keep you awake. I suggest a foolishly cheap espresso maker from Amazon Canada.
- Click here to get your Nespresso Pixie Espresso Machine - Was $249 - Save $49.05 - Now $199.95
Great deal, free shipping. Go get one. You can even choose between red, blue and silver-grey. Before you do though, let's talk a bit about why, if you're an espresso fan, it makes sense to get this deal.
I am going to be straight up with you fine folks. I don't drink coffee. I'm actually allergic to caffeine. That being said, my wife loves coffee so I find myself in Starbucks or Tim Horton's fairly often. We've all heard the "If you make your own coffee instead of buying it at a shop, you'll have eight million dollars in your personal budget!" spiel and that's fine. Good advice. The problem is when you don't want just a coffee. You want a specialty coffee of some sort. You want espresso.
The problem, traditionally, has been that espresso machines were off-puttingly expensive. You could cut out espresso for a few months and save up enough to buy an espresso machine, but then you're without coffee. With a price like this and a machine that is this good, it doesn't make much sense to keep on buying your espresso at an expensive shop.
Here is the opening blurb from a review on 5cupcoffeemaker.org:
Long known for its dedication to coffee and quality machines, Nespresso Pixie is “Nespresso’s most technologically advanced and eco-friendly machine to date.” The Pixie offers the same stylish retro-modern design as many other members of the Nespresso family, but also offers additional user-friendly features. The Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker is a small machine that takes up no more than 4.3- by 9.2-inches of counter space, yet delivers espresso comparable — or better — than at your favorite coffeehouse.
(Expires:13th August 2012)